On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Ike Walker <ike.wal...@flite.com> wrote:

> I've been using nodetool move to rebalance my cluster. Most of the moves
> take under an hour, or a few hours at most. The current move has taken 4+
> days so I'm afraid it will never complete. What's the best way to cancel it
> and try again?

What does "nodetool netstats" say? If it shows no streams in progress, the
move is probably hung...

Restart the affected node. If that doesn't work, restart other nodes which
might have been receiving a stream. I think in the case of "move" it should
work to just restart the affected node. Restart the move, you will
re-stream anything you already streamed once.


If this ticket were completed, it would presumably include the ability to
stop other hung streaming operations, like "move".


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