And surprisingly if i alter table as : alter table user add first_name text; alter table user add last_name text;
It gives me back column with values, but still no indexes. Thrift and CQL3 depends on same storage engine. Do they really maintain different metadata for same column family? -Vivek On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 11:08 PM, Vivek Mishra <>wrote: > Hi, > If i a create a table with CQL3 as > > create table user(user_id text PRIMARY KEY, first_name text, last_name > text, emailid text); > > and create index as: > create index on user(first_name); > > then inserted some data as: > insert into user(user_id,first_name,last_name,"emailId") > values('@mevivs','vivek','mishra',''); > > > Then if update same column family using Cassandra-cli as: > > update column family user with key_validation_class='UTF8Type' and > column_metadata=[{column_name:last_name, validation_class:'UTF8Type', > index_type:KEYS},{column_name:first_name, validation_class:'UTF8Type', > index_type:KEYS}]; > > > Now if i connect via cqlsh and explore user table, i can see column > first_name,last_name are not part of table structure anymore. Here is the > output: > > CREATE TABLE user ( > key text PRIMARY KEY > ) WITH > bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND > caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND > comment='' AND > dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.000000 AND > gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND > read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND > replicate_on_write='true' AND > populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND > compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND > compression={'sstable_compression': 'SnappyCompressor'}; > > cqlsh:cql3usage> select * from user; > > user_id > --------- > @mevivs > > > > > > I understand that, CQL3 and thrift interoperability is an issue. But this > looks to me a very basic scenario. > > > > Any suggestions? Or If anybody can explain a reason behind this? > > -Vivek > > > > >