Can you send us the result of a "describe columnfamily users" ?

How many rows are presents in this table ?

Do you have indexes defined ?

What is a "long time" exactly ?

Le 23 août 2013 14:53, "Sávio Teles" <> a écrit :

> I need to perform range query efficiently. I have the table like:
> users
> -------
> user_id | age | gender | salary | ...
> The attr user_id is the PRIMARY KEY.
> Example of querying:
> select * from users where user_id = '*x*' and age > *y *and age < *z* and
> salary > *a* and salary < *b  *and age='M';
> This query takes a long time to run. Any ideas to perform it efficiently?
> Tks in advance.
> --
> Atenciosamente,
> Sávio S. Teles de Oliveira
> voice: +55 62 9136 6996
>  Mestrando em Ciências da Computação - UFG
> Arquiteto de Software
> Laboratory for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Applications (LUPA) - UFG

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