Thanks. Can you tell me why would using thrift would improve performance?
Also, if I do try to build those giant strings for a prepared batch
statement, should I expect another performance improvement?
On 08/20/2013 05:06 PM, Nate McCall wrote:
Ugh - sorry, I knew Sylvain and Michaƫl had worked on this recently
but it is only in 2.0 - I could have sworn it got marked for inclusion
back into 1.2 but I was wrong:
This is indeed an issue if you don't know the column count before hand
(or had a very large number of them like in your case). Again,
apologies, I would not have recommended that route if I knew it was
only in 2.0.
I would be willing to bet you could hit those insert numbers pretty
easily with thrift given the shape of your mutation.
On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Keith Freeman <
<>> wrote:
So I tried inserting prepared statements separately (no batch),
and my server nodes load definitely dropped significantly.
Throughput from my client improved a bit, but only a few %. I was
able to *almost* get 5000 rows/sec (sort of) by also reducing the
rows/insert-thread to 20-50 and eliminating all overhead from the
timing, i.e. timing only the tight for loop of inserts. But
that's still a lot slower than I expected.
I couldn't do batches because the driver doesn't allow prepared
statements in a batch (QueryBuilder API). It appears the batch
itself could possibly be a prepared statement, but since I have
40+ columns on each insert that would take some ugly code to build
so I haven't tried it yet.
I'm using CL "ONE" on the inserts and RF 2 in my schema.
On 08/20/2013 08:04 AM, Nate McCall wrote:
John makes a good point re:prepared statements (I'd increase
batch sizes again once you did this as well - separate,
incremental runs of course so you can gauge the effect of each).
That should take out some of the processing overhead of statement
validation in the server (some - that load spike still seems high
I'd actually be really interested as to what your results were
after doing so - i've not tried any A/B testing here for prepared
statements on inserts.
Given your load is on the server, i'm not sure adding more async
indirection on the client would buy you too much though.
Also, at what RF and consistency level are you writing?
On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Keith Freeman <
<>> wrote:
Ok, I'll try prepared statements. But while sending my
statements async might speed up my client, it wouldn't
improve throughput on the cassandra nodes would it? They're
running at pretty high loads and only about 10% idle, so my
concern is that they can't handle the data any faster, so
something's wrong on the server side. I don't really think
there's anything on the client side that matters for this
Of course I know there are obvious h/w things I can do to
improve server performance: SSDs, more RAM, more cores, etc.
But I thought the servers I have would be able to handle more
rows/sec than say Mysql, since write speed is supposed to be
one of Cassandra's strengths.
On 08/19/2013 09:03 PM, John Sanda wrote:
I'd suggest using prepared statements that you initialize at
application start up and switching to use
Session.executeAsync coupled with Google Guava Futures API
to get better throughput on the client side.
On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 10:14 PM, Keith Freeman
< <>> wrote:
Sure, I've tried different numbers for batches and
threads, but generally I'm running 10-30 threads at a
time on the client, each sending a batch of 100 insert
statements in every call, using the QueryBuilder.batch()
API from the latest datastax java driver, then calling
the Session.execute() function (synchronous) on the Batch.
I can't post my code, but my client does this on each
-- divides up the set of inserts by the number of threads
-- stores the current time
-- tells all the threads to send their inserts
-- then when they've all returned checks the elapsed time
At about 2000 rows for each iteration, 20 threads with
100 inserts each finish in about 1 second. For 4000
rows, 40 threads with 100 inserts each finish in about
1.5 - 2 seconds, and as I said all 3 cassandra nodes
have a heavy CPU load while the client is hardly
loaded. I've tried with 10 threads and more inserts per
batch, or up to 60 threads with fewer, doesn't seem to
make a lot of difference.
On 08/19/2013 05:00 PM, Nate McCall wrote:
How big are the batch sizes? In other words, how many
rows are you sending per insert operation?
Other than the above, not much else to suggest without
seeing some example code (on pastebin, gist or similar,
On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 5:49 PM, Keith Freeman
< <>> wrote:
I've got a 3-node cassandra cluster (16G/4-core VMs
ESXi v5 on 2.5Ghz machines not shared with any
other VMs). I'm inserting time-series data into a
single column-family using "wide rows" (timeuuids)
and have a 3-part partition key so my primary key
is something like ((a, b, day), in-time-uuid), x,
y, z).
My java client is feeding rows (about 1k of raw
data size each) in batches using multiple threads,
and the fastest I can get it run reliably is about
2000 rows/second. Even at that speed, all 3
cassandra nodes are very CPU bound, with loads of
6-9 each (and the client machine is hardly breaking
a sweat). I've tried turning off compression in my
table which reduced the loads slightly but not
much. There are no other updates or reads
occurring, except the datastax opscenter.
I was expecting to be able to insert at least 10k
rows/second with this configuration, and after a
lot of reading of docs, blogs, and google, can't
really figure out what's slowing my client down.
When I increase the insert speed of my client
beyond 2000/second, the server responses are just
too slow and the client falls behind. I had a
single-node Mysql database that can handle 10k of
these data rows/second, so I really feel like I'm
missing something in Cassandra. Any ideas?
- John