
Windows is not my cup of tea. May be someone else has more experience using
the Redmond's prodigy child.

cheers, and good luck

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Naresh Yadav <> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> Yes i am testing in development environment of Windows 7 64bit.
> I left default yaml then cassandra created "var" folder and created data,
> log, cache folders in it.....I tried commit log on different harddisk but
> this problem not solved with that....I guess this problem is somewhat
> related to deadlock in Native Transport threads...thats why cassandra is
> hanging indefinitly..
> Naresh
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 7:21 PM, Alexis Rodríguez <
>> wrote:
>> Naresh, are you deploying cassandra in windows?
>> If that is the case you may need to change the data and commitlog
>> directories in cassandra.yaml. Also you should check the log directories.
>> See the section 2.1
>> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 8:28 AM, Naresh Yadav <>wrote:
>>> Thanks Alain, will avoid caps....i am newbie to cassandra, just started
>>> using 2 weeks back..
>>> Here are JConsole screenshots just 5mins after cassandra freezed :
>>>               4:05 is time cassandra
>>> freezed thats why decline in no of threads
>>> Uploaded complete system.log of cassandra till freeze :
>>> Observation : As in my usecase i am storing 1lakh
>>> combinations(527insert,506update,954select) each parallel by 100 threads in
>>> batch of 1000...
>>> Sometimes it works till 1000 batch then hangs but sometimes it completes
>>> 10000 then hangs and once even worked for more than lakh....
>>> Same hardware Same settings of cassandra i see random behaviour of
>>> performance..
>>> Thanks
>>> Naresh
>>> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Alain RODRIGUEZ <>wrote:
>>>> Hi Naresh.
>>>> First thing, there is no need of caps in here. People reading this ML
>>>> is here to help when they have time and skills enough to do so. So please,
>>>> chill out and do not use caps to show how much desperate you are.
>>>> Concerning your problem, the only abnormal thing I was able to find in
>>>> your logs is
>>>>    1. ERROR [NonPeriodicTasks:1] 2013-08-13 01:52:42,106
>>>> (line 72) Unable to delete
>>>> \var\lib\cassandra\data\system\schema_columnfamilies\system-schema_columnfamilies-ic-241-Data.db
>>>>    (it will be removed on server restart; we'll also retry after GC)
>>>> I don't think this should keep C* hanging.
>>>> Do you have something on kernel logs ?
>>>> Do you have monitor any metrics like disk throughput / heap used / cpu
>>>> load / iowait which are known as being bottlenecks / pertinent metrics ?
>>>> Alain
>>>> 2013/8/13 Naresh Yadav <>
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I have single node cassandra using  CQL using datastax java driver
>>>>> 1.0.1 and cassandra verison 1.2.6.
>>>>> *Infrastructure :* 16GB machine with 8GB heap given to cassandra, i7
>>>>> processor.. DEFAULT cassandra.yaml no change done by me.
>>>>> -Xms1G^
>>>>>  -Xmx12G^         no other change in cassandra.bat
>>>>> *Problem :
>>>>> _________
>>>>>  *cassandra Freezes after some writes and i see no action on
>>>>> cassandra console for an hour...all Native_Transport threads are also
>>>>> program keeps running NO ERROR comes.......when i connect 
>>>>> with
>>>>> cql that works........ In start it creates 16 NativeTransport threads and
>>>>> after 10-15 minutes Total threads goes to 128...Just before it hangs, With
>>>>> JCONSOLE when i see Native_Transport threads then i find most of them in
>>>>> state as :
>>>>> *Load on cassandra : *
>>>>> ___________________
>>>>> i am running a usecase which stores Combinations(my project
>>>>> terminology) in cassandra....Currently testing storing 2.5 lakh
>>>>> combinations with 100 parallel threads..each thread storing one
>>>>> combination...real case i need to support of many CRORES but that would
>>>>> need different hardware and multi node cluster...
>>>>> In Storing ONE combination takes around 2sec and involves :
>>>>> 527 INSERT INTO queries ....
>>>>> 506 UPDATE queries ....
>>>>> 954 SELECT queries ....
>>>>> 100 parallel threads parallely storing 100 combinations....
>>>>> Please look last 100-200 lines of log because that is time it freezed

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