Disadvantage, hadoop support is based on the token range, so maps may equals 
numtokens per node *  nodes number.

Best Regards,Andy Hu(胡 珊)

Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 17:25:11 -0400
Subject: cassandra 1.2.5- virtual nodes (num_token) pros/cons?
From: rashmi.aros...@gmail.com
To: user@cassandra.apache.org

Hi,I am upgrading my cassandra cluster from 0.8 to 1.2.5. 

In cassandra 1.2.5 the 'num_token' attribute confuses me. 
I understand that it distributes multiple tokens per node but I am not clear 
how that is helpful for performance or load balancing. Can anyone elaborate? 
has anyone used this feature  and knows its advantages/disadvantages?


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