With 1.2.7 you can use -Dcassandra.unsafesystem. That will speed up cf
creation. So you will get in even more trouble even faster!

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 12:23 PM, bjbylh <bjb...@me.com> wrote:

> Hi all:
> i have two questions to ask:
> 1,how many column families can be created in a cluster?is there a limit to
> the number of it?
> 2,it spents 2-5 seconds to create a new cf while the cluster contains
> about 10000 cfs(if the cluster is empty,it spents about 0.5s).is it
> normal?how to improve the efficiency of creating cf?
> btw C* is 1.2.4.
> thanks a lot.
> Sent from Samsung Mobile

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