Oh, and in the past 0.20.x has been pretty stable by the wayŠ..they
finally switched their numbering scheme thank god.


On 7/23/13 2:13 PM, "Hiller, Dean" <dean.hil...@nrel.gov> wrote:

>Perhaps try 0.20.2 as
> 1.  The maven pom files have cassandra depending on 0.20.2
> 2.  The 0.20.2 default was murmur and we had to change it to random
>partitioner or it wouldn't work for us
>Ie. I suspect they will change the pom file to a more recent version of
>hadoop at some point but I wonder if test suites suck in 0.20.2 because
>the pom file points to that versionŠ.depends on if they actually have
>tests for map/reduce which is probably a bit hard.
>From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle
>Reply-To: "user@cassandra.apache.org<mailto:user@cassandra.apache.org>"
>Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 1:54 PM
>To: "user@cassandra.apache.org<mailto:user@cassandra.apache.org>"
>Subject: Re: cassandra 1.2.6 -> Start key's token sorts after end token
>    I am using hadoop 1.0.3.
>    Indeed, using Cassandra 1.2.3 with Random partitioner, it worked.
>However, it's the only reason for me to use randompartitioner, I really
>would like to move forward. Besides, I tried to use Cassandra 1.2.6 with
>RandomPartitioner and I got problems when inserting data, even stopping
>Cassandra, cleaning my entire data folder and then starting it again.
>    I am also really curious to know if there is anyone else having these
>problems or if it is just me...
>Best regards,
>2013/7/23 Hiller, Dean <dean.hil...@nrel.gov<mailto:dean.hil...@nrel.gov>>
>Out of curiosity, what version of hadoop are you using with cassandra?  I
>think we are trying 0.20.2 if I remember(I have to ask my guy working on
>it to be sure).  I do remember him saying the cassandra maven dependency
>was odd in that it is in the older version and not a newer hadoop version.
>We are using RandomPartitioner though right now which I have personally
>used in the past with success.  We are in the process of map/reducing to
>a cassandra with MurmurPartitioner  (our real reason to map/reduce is
>some refactorings in our model though and we just thought we would switch
>to murmur).
>Has anyone else used map/reduce with murmur partitioner?
>From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle
>Date: Monday, July 22, 2013 4:04 PM
>Subject: cassandra 1.2.6 -> Start key's token sorts after end token
>    I am trying to figure what might be cause this error. I am using
>Cassandra 1.2.6 (tried with 1.2.3 as well) and I am trying to read data
>from cassandra on hadoop using column family input format. I also got the
>same error using pure astyanax on a test.
>    I am using Murmur3Partitioner and I created the keyspace using
>Cassandra 1.2.6, there is nothing from prior versions. I created the
>keyspace with SimpleStrategy and replication factor 1.
>    Here is the exception I am getting:
>2013-07-22 21:53:05,824 WARN org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child (main): Error
>running child
>java.lang.RuntimeException: InvalidRequestException(why:Start key's token
>sorts after end token)
>at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.MapContext.nextKeyValue(MapContext.java:67)
>at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.run(Mapper.java:143)
>at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runNewMapper(MapTask.java:771)
>at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.run(MapTask.java:375)
>at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child$4.run(Child.java:255)
>at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
>at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAs(Subject.java:396)
>at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.main(Child.java:249)
>Caused by: InvalidRequestException(why:Start key's token sorts after end
>at org.apache.thrift.TServiceClient.receiveBase(TServiceClient.java:78)
>... 16 more
>2013-07-22 21:53:05,828 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task (main):
>Runnning cleanup for the task
>     Any hint?
>Best regards,
>Marcelo Elias Del Valle
>http://mvalle.com - @mvallebr
>Marcelo Elias Del Valle
>http://mvalle.com - @mvallebr

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