On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 1:52 PM, sankalp kohli <kohlisank...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Scrub will keep the file size same. YOu need to move all sstables to be
> L0. the way to do this is to remove the json file which has level
> information.

This will work, but I believe is subject to this?

"./src/java/org/apache/cassandra/db/compaction/LeveledManifest.java" line
228 of 577
        // LevelDB gives each level a score of how much data it contains vs
its ideal amount, and
        // compacts the level with the highest score. But this falls apart
spectacularly once you
        // get behind.  Consider this set of levels:
        // L0: 988 [ideal: 4]
        // L1: 117 [ideal: 10]
        // L2: 12  [ideal: 100]
        // The problem is that L0 has a much higher score (almost 250) than
L1 (11), so what we'll
        // do is compact a batch of MAX_COMPACTING_L0 sstables with all 117
L1 sstables, and put the
        // result (say, 120 sstables) in L1. Then we'll compact the next
        // and so forth.  So we spend most of our i/o rewriting the L1 data
with each batch.
        // If we could just do *all* L0 a single time with L1, that would
be ideal.  But we can't
        // -- see the javadoc for MAX_COMPACTING_L0.
        // LevelDB's way around this is to simply block writes if L0
compaction falls behind.
        // We don't have that luxury.
        // So instead, we force compacting higher levels first.  This may
not minimize the number
        // of reads done as quickly in the short term, but it minimizes the
i/o needed to compact
        // optimially which gives us a long term win.

Ideal would be something like a major compaction for LCS which allows end
user to change resulting SSTable sizes without forcing everything back to


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