Yes, I got the gist of what you were after, even making sure I broke
out the schema dump and load them in individually, but I haven't
gotten that far. It feels like the 2 node that are not coming up with
the right schema are not seeing the nodes with the correct ones.

And yes, I hear the beat of the upgrade drum, I was hoping to
do one step at a time so I don't carry my problem over.


From: Robert Coli <<>>
Reply-To: <<>>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 09:43:43 -0700
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: alter column family ?

On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 9:17 AM, Langston, Jim 
<<>> wrote:
Are the schema's held somewhere else ? Going through the
process that you sent, when I restart the nodes, the original
schema's show up

If you do not stop all nodes at once and then remove the system CFs, the 
existing schema will re-propogate via Gossip.

To be clear, I was suggesting that you dump the schema with cassandra-cli, 
erase the current schema with the cluster down, bring the cluster back up (NOW 
WITH NO SCHEMA) and then load the schema from the dump via cassandra-cli.

Also, in case I didn't mention it before, you should upgrade your version of 
Cassandra ASAP. :)


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