
We have several CFs that we TTL all columns, set gc_grace=0 and we never
overwrite or delete records. We will manually remove sstables from disk
during a rolling C* restart process. You'll also want to remove all
associated index/filter files with the sst -- so if foo-hf-123-Data.db is >
TTL, ensure you remove all foo-hf-123-*.

I recommend taking a snapshot beforehand to be safe. ;-)


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 8:09 AM, Theo Hultberg <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I think I remember reading that if you have sstables that you know contain
> only data that whose ttl has expired, it's safe to remove them manually by
> stopping c*, removing the *-Data.db files and then starting up c* again. is
> this correct?
> we have a cluster where everything is written with a ttl, and sometimes c*
> needs to compact over a 100 gb of sstables where we know ever has expired,
> and we'd rather just manually get rid of those.
> T#


  Mike Heffner <>
  Librato, Inc.

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