Thank you for your patience. That is what I have expected. PS. Do you know any direct ways in CQL to handle BLOB, just like DataStax Java driver?
On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Sylvain Lebresne <>wrote: > > Pls explain why and how. > > Why and how what? > > Not encoding blobs into strings is the "preferred way" because that's > obviously > more efficient (in speed and space), since you don't do any encoding pass. > > As for how, "use prepared statement" was the "how". What are the exact > lines of > code to use to do prepared statements will depends on the client driver you > use, and you should check your driver documentation. > > But, to give you an example, if you use the DataStax Java driver > (, this might look something like: > > PreparedStatement st = session.prepare("INSERT INTO foo(myKey, myBlob) > VALUES (?, ?)"); > String myKey = ...; > ByteBuffer myBlob = ...; > session.execute(st.bind(myKey, myBlob)); > > > -- > Sylvain >