Thanks Aaron

On 7/9/13, aaron morton <> wrote:
>> Can I just copy data files for the required keyspaces, create schema
>> manually and run repair?
> If you have something like RF 3 and 3 nodes then yes, you can copy the data
> from one node in the source cluster to all nodes in the dest cluster and use
> cleanup to remove the unneeded data. Because each node in the source cluster
> has a full copy of the data.
> If that's not the case you cannot copy the data files, even if they have the
> same number of nodes, because the nodes in the dest cluster will have
> different tokens. AFAIK you need to export the full data set from the source
> DC and then import it into the dest system.
> The Bulk Load utility may be of help
> . You could copy the
> SSTables from every node in the source system and bulk load them into the
> dest system. That process will ensure rows are sent to nodes that are
> replicas.
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Consultant
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> On 9/07/2013, at 12:45 PM, Baskar Duraikannu
> <> wrote:
>> We have two clusters used by two different groups with vnodes enabled. Now
>> there is a need to move some of the keyspaces from cluster 1 to cluster 2.
>> Can I just copy data files for the required keyspaces, create schema
>> manually and run repair?
>> Anything else required?  Please help.
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Baskar Duraikannu

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