env ------
3 node, every node has 8core CPU、32GB memory and 2*1TB disk centos 5 64bit cassandra 1.2.5 opscenter3.1 my scenario -------------- each node has a client program, each client start 10 thread for increasing counter. the replica=2, and other is defaut value. my data model ------------------ rowkey: <date>_<domain>_<5min index(1-288)>, value have two cf : IN:<value> and OUT:<value> e.g. 20130503_www.facebook_24: IN:2342134, OUT:2423234 result --------- everything is ok but the performance. from opscenter, the writers is only 6000/sec. somebody tell me is normal situation. if not ,how to improve it. P.S. CPU idle is greater than 60%, the load only 1.x(8core cpu) , and the memroy only use 50%. thx -heipark