

3 node, every node has 8core CPU、32GB memory and 2*1TB disk

centos 5 64bit cassandra 1.2.5 opscenter3.1

my scenario


each node has a client program,  each client start 10 thread for increasing 

the replica=2, and other is defaut value.

my data model
rowkey: <date>_<domain>_<5min index(1-288)>, value have two cf :  IN:<value> 
and OUT:<value>
e.g. 20130503_www.facebook_24: IN:2342134, OUT:2423234

everything is ok but the performance. from opscenter, the writers is only 

somebody tell me is normal situation. if not ,how to improve it.

P.S. CPU idle is greater than 60%, the load only 1.x(8core cpu) , and the 
memroy only use 50%.


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