I'm having problems with Hadoop job failures on a Cassandra 1.2 cluster due to
Caused by: TimedOutException() 2013-06-24 11:29:11,953 INFO Driver - at org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra$get_range_slices_result.read(Cassandra.java:12932) This is running on a 6-node cluster, RF=3. If I run the job with CL=ONE, it usually runs pretty well, with an occasional timeout. But if I run at CL=QUORUM, the number of timeouts is often enough to kill the job. The table being read is effectively read-only when this job runs. It has from 5 to 10 million rows, with each row having no more than 256 columns. Each column typically only has a few hundred bytes of data at most. I've fiddled with the batch-range size and increasing the timeout, without a lot of luck. I see some evidence of GC activity in the Cassandra logs, but it's hard to see a clear correlation with the timeouts. I could use some suggestions on an approach to pin down the root cause. TIA Brian