You really do not need much in java you can use the embedded server. Hector
wrap a simple class around thiscalled  EmbeddedServerHelper

On Wednesday, June 19, 2013, Ben Boule <> wrote:
> Hi Shabab,
> Cassandra-Unit has been helpful for us for running unit tests without
requiring a real cassandra instance to be running.   We only use this to
test our "DAO" code which interacts with the Cassandra client.  It
basically starts up an embedded instance of cassandra and fools your
client/driver into using it.  It uses a non-standard port and you just need
to make sure you can set the port as a parameter into your client code.
> One important thing is to either clear out the keyspace in between tests
or carefully separate your data so different tests don't collide with each
other in the embedded database.
> Setup/tear down time is pretty reasonable.
> Ben
> ________________________________
> From: Shahab Yunus []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 8:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Unit Testing Cassandra
> Thanks Stephen for you reply and explanation. My bad that I mixed those
up and wasn't clear enough. Yes, I have different 2 requests/questions.
> 1) One is for the unit testing.
> 2) Second (in which I am more interested in) is for performance
(stress/load) testing. Let us keep integration aside for now.
> I do see some stuff out there but wanted to know recommendations from the
community given their experience.
> Regards,
> Shahab
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 3:15 AM, Stephen Connolly <> wrote:
>> Unit testing means testing in isolation the smallest part.
>> Unit tests should not take more than a few milliseconds to set up and
verify their assertions.
>> As such, if your code is not factored well for testing, you would
typically use mocking (either by hand, or with mocking libraries) to mock
out the bits not under test.
>> Extensive use of mocks is usually a smell of code that is not well
designed *for testing*
>> If you intend to test components integrated together... That is
integration testing.
>> If you intend to test performance of the whole or significant parts of
the whole... That is performance testing.
>> When searching for the above, you will not get much luck if you are
looking for them in the context of "unit testing" as those things are
*outside the scope of unit testing"
>> On Wednesday, 19 June 2013, Shahab Yunus wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Can anyone suggest a good/popular Unit Test tools/frameworks/utilities
>>> there for unit testing Cassandra stores? I am looking for testing from
performance/load and monitoring perspective. I am using 1.2.
>>> Thanks a lot.
>>> Regards,
>>> Shahab
>> --
>> Sent from my phone
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