Thank you all.

I have two more question.

1) Is there any implication in running nodetool repair immediately after 
bringing a new node up (before key migration process is completed) ?

        Will it cause some race conditions ? Or will it result in some part of 
the space never be reclaimed ?

2) How can I figure out the status of key migration in Cassandra?

Thank you

 From: Richard Low <>
To:; Emalayan Vairavanathan <> 
Sent: Tuesday, 18 June 2013 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Cassandra] Expanding a Cassandra cluster

On 10 June 2013 22:00, Emalayan Vairavanathan <> wrote:

                   b) Will Cassandra automatically take care of removing 
obsolete keys in future ?

In a future version Cassandra should automatically clean up for you:

Right now though you have to run cleanup eventually or the space will never be 


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