"counter will replicate to all replicas during write regardless the
consistency level"

I that the normal behavior or a bug ?

2013/6/11 Daning Wang <dan...@netseer.com>

> It is counter caused the problem. counter will replicate to all replicas
> during write regardless the consistency level.
> In our case. we don't need to sync the counter across the center. so
> moving counter to new keyspace and all the replica in one
> center solved problem.
> There is option replicate_on_write on table. If you turn that off for
> counter might have better performance. but you are on high risk to lose
> data and create inconsistency. I did not try this option.
> Daning
> On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 6:53 AM, srmore <comom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am seeing the similar behavior, in my case I have 2 nodes in each
>> datacenter and one node always has high latency (equal to the latency
>> between the two datacenters). When one of the datacenters is shutdown the
>> latency drops.
>> I am curious to know whether anyone else has these issues and if yes how
>> did to get around it.
>> Thanks !
>> On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 11:49 PM, Daning Wang <dan...@netseer.com> wrote:
>>> We have deployed multi-center but got performance issue. When the nodes
>>> on other center are up, the read response time from clients is 4 or 5 times
>>> higher. when we take those nodes down, the response time becomes
>>> normal(compare to the time before we changed to multi-center).
>>> We have high volume on the cluster, the consistency level is one for
>>> read. so my understanding is most of traffic between data center should be
>>> read repair. but seems that could not create much delay.
>>> What could cause the problem? how to debug this?
>>> Here is the keyspace,
>>> [default@dsat] describe dsat;
>>> Keyspace: dsat:
>>>   Replication Strategy:
>>> org.apache.cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy
>>>   Durable Writes: true
>>>     Options: [dc2:1, dc1:3]
>>>   Column Families:
>>>     ColumnFamily: categorization_cache
>>> Ring
>>> Datacenter: dc1
>>> ===============
>>> Status=Up/Down
>>> |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
>>> --  Address           Load       Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID
>>>                         Rack
>>> UN  xx.xx.xx..111       59.2 GB    256     37.5%
>>> 4d6ed8d6-870d-4963-8844-08268607757e  rac1
>>> DN  xx.xx.xx..121       99.63 GB   256     37.5%
>>> 9d0d56ce-baf6-4440-a233-ad6f1d564602  rac1
>>> UN  xx.xx.xx..120       66.32 GB   256     37.5%
>>> 0fd912fb-3187-462b-8c8a-7d223751b649  rac1
>>> UN  xx.xx.xx..118       63.61 GB   256     37.5%
>>> 3c6e6862-ab14-4a8c-9593-49631645349d  rac1
>>> UN  xx.xx.xx..117       68.16 GB   256     37.5%
>>> ee6cdf23-d5e4-4998-a2db-f6c0ce41035a  rac1
>>> UN  xx.xx.xx..116       32.41 GB   256     37.5%
>>> f783eeef-1c51-4f91-ab7c-a60669816770  rac1
>>> UN  xx.xx.xx..115       64.24 GB   256     37.5%
>>> e75105fb-b330-4f40-aa4f-8e6e11838e37  rac1
>>> UN  xx.xx.xx..112       61.32 GB   256     37.5%
>>> 2547ee54-88dd-4994-a1ad-d9ba367ed11f  rac1
>>> Datacenter: dc2
>>> ===============
>>> Status=Up/Down
>>> |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
>>> --  Address           Load       Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID
>>>                         Rack
>>> DN  xx.xx.xx.199    58.39 GB   256     50.0%
>>> 6954754a-e9df-4b3c-aca7-146b938515d8  rac1
>>> DN  xx.xx.xx..61      33.79 GB   256     50.0%
>>> 91b8d510-966a-4f2d-a666-d7edbe986a1c  rac1
>>> Thank you in advance,
>>> Daning

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