> CQL3 does now support dynamic columns. For tags or metadata values you
> could use a Collection:

This should probably be clarified.  A collection is a super useful tool,
but it is *not* the same thing as a dynamic column.  It has many
advantages, but there is one huge disadvantage in that you have to be
careful how much data you store in a collection. When you read a single
value out of a collection, the *entire* collection is always read, which of
course is true for appending data to the collection as well.

With a traditional dynamic column, you could have added things like event
logs to a record in the form of keys named "event:someEvent:TS" (or
juxtapose the order as your needs dictate).  You could basically do this
practically indefinitely with little degradation in performance.  This was
also a common way of representing cross-family relationships (one-to-many

If you try to do the same thing with a collection, performance will degrade
as your data grows.  For small or relatively static data sets (eg tags)
that's fine.  For open-ended data sets (logs, events, one-to-many
relationships that grow regularly), you should instead normalize such data
into a separate column family.

-Eric Stevens
ProtectWise, Inc.

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Francisco Andrades Grassi <
bigjoc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> CQL3 does now support dynamic columns. For tags or metadata values you
> could use a Collection:
> http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/cql3_collections
> For wide rows there's the enhanced primary keys, which I personally prefer
> over the composite columns of yore:
> http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/cql3-for-cassandra-experts
> http://thelastpickle.com/2013/01/11/primary-keys-in-cql/
> --
> Francisco Andrades Grassi
> www.bigjocker.com
> @bigjocker
> On Jun 6, 2013, at 8:32 AM, Joe Greenawalt <joe.greenaw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having some problems figuring out how to append a dynamic column on a
> column family using the datastax java driver 1.0 and CQL3 on Cassandra
> 1.2.5.  Below is what i'm trying:
> *cqlsh:simplex> create table user (firstname text primary key, lastname
> text);
> cqlsh:simplex> insert into user (firstname, lastname) values
> ('joe','shmoe');
> cqlsh:simplex> select * from user;
>  firstname | lastname
> -----------+----------
>        joe |    shmoe
> cqlsh:simplex> insert into user (firstname, lastname, middlename) values
> ('joe','shmoe','lester');
> Bad Request: Unknown identifier middlename
> cqlsh:simplex> insert into user (firstname, lastname, middlename) values
> ('john','shmoe','lester');
> Bad Request: Unknown identifier middlename*
> I'm assuming you can do this based on previous based thrift based clients
> like pycassa, and also by reading this:
> The Cassandra data model is a dynamic schema, column-oriented data model.
> This means that, unlike a relational database, you do not need to model all
> of the columns required by your application up front, as each row is not
> required to have the same set of columns. Columns and their metadata can be
> added by your application as they are needed without incurring downtime to
> your application.
> here: http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.2/ddl/index
> Is it a limitation of CQL3 and its connection vs. thrift?
> Or more likely i'm just doing something wrong?
> Thanks,
> Joe

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