Hi all,

I am interested in using Cassandra in a Ruby on Rails project.

After a quick search on GitHub, there seems to be two clients that
stick out for use with Ruby:

* https://github.com/twitter/cassandra
* https://github.com/kreynolds/cassandra-cql

The documentation I've read suggested that users of 1.2.5 should use
CQL vs Thrift in their client. That would point all signs to trying
the cassandra-cql client first since the Twitter client is Thrift

My concern is that it seems the Twitter client has a larger community
and has more recent commits made to it.

I'm not entirely sure where the best place to start is; but if anyone
here works extensively with Ruby and/or Rails and can suggest a client
that DataStax and/or the community suggests to use, that would be

Thank you for any and all recommendations.


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