Thanks, when and were is the talk ? 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Consultant
New Zealand


On 23/05/2013, at 6:42 AM, Peter Lin <> wrote:

> NativeX is giving a talk about using Cassandra with .Net. Our firm created a 
> port of Hector over to .Net late last year.
> Here is the abstract.
> The Perils and Triumphs of using Cassandra at a .NET/Microsoft Shop
> Speakers: Derek Bromenshenkel and Jeff Smoley, Infrastructure Architects at 
> NativeX
> NativeX (formerly W3i) recently transitioned a large portion of their backend 
> infrastructure from Microsoft SQL Server to Apache Cassandra. Today, its 
> Cassandra cluster backs its mobile advertising network supporting over 10 
> million daily active users that produce over 10,000 transactions per second 
> with an average database request latency of under 2 milliseconds. Come hear 
> our story about how we were successful at getting our .NET web apps to 
> reliably connect to Cassandra. Come learn about FluentCassandra, Snowflake, 
> Hector, and IKVM. It's a story of struggle and perseverance, where everyone 
> lives happily ever after.

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