> Any other ideas?
Sounds like a nasty heisenbug, can you replace or rebuild the machine?


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Consultant
New Zealand


On 21/05/2013, at 9:36 PM, Michal Michalski <mich...@opera.com> wrote:

> I've finally had some time to experiment a bit with this problem (it occured 
> twice again) and here's what I found:
> 1. So far (three occurences in total), *when* it happened, it happened only 
> for streaming to  *one* specific C* node (but it works on this node too for 
> 99,9% of the time)
> 2. It happens with compression turned on (cassandra.output.compression.class 
> set to org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.DeflateCompressor, but it doesn't 
> matter what the chunk length is)
> 3. Everything works fine when compression is turned off.
> So it looks like I have a workaround for now, but I don't really understand 
> the root cause of this problem and what's the "right" solution if we want to 
> keep using compression.
> Anyway, the thing that interests me the most is why does it fail so rarely 
> and - assuming it's not a coincidence - why only for one C* node...
> May it be a DeflateCompressor's bug?
> Any other ideas?
> Regards,
> Michał
> W dniu 31.03.2013 12:01, aaron morton pisze:
>>>  but yesterday one of 600 mappers failed
>> :)
>>> From what I can understand by looking into the C* source, it seems to me 
>>> that the problem is caused by a empty (or surprisingly finished?) input 
>>> buffer (?) causing token to be set to -1 which is improper for 
>>> RandomPartitioner:
>> Yes, there is a zero length key which as a -1 token.
>>> However, I can't figure out what's the root cause of this problem.
>>> Any ideas?
>> mmm, the BulkOutputFormat uses a SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter and neither of 
>> them check for zero length row keys. I would look there first.
>> There is no validation in the  AbstractSSTableSimpleWriter, not sure if that 
>> is by design or an oversight. Can you catch the zero length key in your map 
>> job ?
>> Cheers
>> -----------------
>> Aaron Morton
>> Freelance Cassandra Consultant
>> New Zealand
>> @aaronmorton
>> http://www.thelastpickle.com
>> On 28/03/2013, at 2:26 PM, Michal Michalski <mich...@opera.com> wrote:
>>> We're streaming data to Cassandra directly from MapReduce job using 
>>> BulkOutputFormat. It's been working for more than a year without any 
>>> problems, but yesterday one of 600 mappers faild and we got a 
>>> strange-looking exception on one of the C* nodes.
>>> IMPORTANT: It happens on one node and on one cluster only. We've loaded the 
>>> same data to test cluster and it worked.
>>> ERROR [Thread-1340977] 2013-03-28 06:35:47,695 CassandraDaemon.java (line 
>>> 133) Exception in thread Thread[Thread-1340977,5,main]
>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: Last written key 
>>> DecoratedKey(5664330507961197044404922676062547179, 
>>> 302c6461696c792c32303133303332352c312c646f6d61696e2c756e6971756575736572732c633a494e2c433a6d63635f6d6e635f636172726965725f43656c6c4f6e655f4b61726e6174616b615f2842616e67616c6f7265295f494e2c643a53616d73756e675f47542d49393037302c703a612c673a3133)
>>>  >= current key DecoratedKey(-1, ) writing into 
>>> /cassandra/production/IndexedValues/production-IndexedValues-tmp-ib-240346-Data.db
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTableWriter.beforeAppend(SSTableWriter.java:133)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTableWriter.appendFromStream(SSTableWriter.java:209)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.cassandra.streaming.IncomingStreamReader.streamIn(IncomingStreamReader.java:179)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.cassandra.streaming.IncomingStreamReader.read(IncomingStreamReader.java:122)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.cassandra.net.IncomingTcpConnection.stream(IncomingTcpConnection.java:226)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.cassandra.net.IncomingTcpConnection.handleStream(IncomingTcpConnection.java:166)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.cassandra.net.IncomingTcpConnection.run(IncomingTcpConnection.java:66)
>>> From what I can understand by looking into the C* source, it seems to me 
>>> that the problem is caused by a empty (or surprisingly finished?) input 
>>> buffer (?) causing token to be set to -1 which is improper for 
>>> RandomPartitioner:
>>> public BigIntegerToken getToken(ByteBuffer key)
>>> {
>>>    if (key.remaining() == 0)
>>>        return MINIMUM;              // Which is -1
>>>    return new BigIntegerToken(FBUtilities.hashToBigInteger(key));
>>> }
>>> However, I can't figure out what's the root cause of this problem.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Of course I can't exclude a bug in my code which streams these data, but - 
>>> as I said - it works when loading the same data to test cluster (which has 
>>> different number of nodes, thus different token assignment, which might be 
>>> a case too).
>>> Michał

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