I see no reason to restart all nodes. You can continue to use seed from first DC - seed used for loading ring configuration(locations, token ranges, etc), not data.

On 05/17/2013 10:34 AM, Sergey Naumov wrote:
If I understand you correctly, GossipingPropertyFileSnitch is useful for manipulations with nodes within a single DC, but to add a new DC without having to restart every node in all DCs (because seeds are specified in cassandra.yaml and I need to restart a node after addition of a new seed from newly created DC), I anyway have to use cassandra-topology.properties and edit it on every node of a cluster.

By the way, it it necessary to specify seeds if I use PropertyFileSnitch and there is info in cassandra-topology.properties about all nodes of a cluster?

Yes, it is. Cassandra need seed(s), because topology properties have no info about token ranges.

2013/5/17 aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com <mailto:aa...@thelastpickle.com>>

    You should configure the seeds as recommended regardless of the
    snitch used.

    You need to update the yaml file to start using the
    GossipingPropertyFileSnitch but after that it reads the
    cassandra-rackdc.properties file to get information about the
    node. It reads uses the information in gossip to get information
    about the other nodes in the cluster.

    If there is no info in gossip about a remote node, because say it
    has not been upgraded, it will fall back to using

    Hope that helps.

    Aaron Morton
    Freelance Cassandra Consultant
    New Zealand


    On 15/05/2013, at 8:10 PM, Sergey Naumov <sknau...@gmail.com
    <mailto:sknau...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    > As far as I understand, GossipingPropertyFileSnitch supposed to
    provide more flexibility in nodes addition/removal. But what about
    addition of a DC? In datastax documentation
    it is said that cassandra-topology.properties could be updated
    without restart for PropertyFileSnitch. But here
    (http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/initialize/cluster_init_multi_dc) it
    it said, that "you MUST include at least one node from EACH data
    center. It is a best practice to have at more than one seed node
    per data center and the seed list should be the same for each
    node". At the first glance it seems that PropertyFileSnitch will
    get necessary info from cassandra-topology.properties, but for
    GossipingPropertyFileSnitch modification of cassandra.yaml and
    restart of all nodes in all DCs will be required. Could somebody
    clarify this topic?
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Sergey Naumov.

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