> * Although a directory (column family:testcf1) remains, is it satisfactory on 
> a file system? 
A snapshot is taken when a truncate or drop command is run. You should see a 
$KS/$CF/snapshots directory. 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Consultant
New Zealand


On 15/05/2013, at 12:45 AM, hiroshi.kise...@hitachi.com wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> Although it may be a stupid question, please give me instruction.
> [1.Question]
> A column family is deleted (drop column family testcf1;).
> As the upper result (dir command execution),
> <DIR>   testcf1
>            0 File(s)   0 bytes      
>            3 Dir(s)      139,587,596,288 bytes free
> * As Cassandra, it is the right action?
> * Although a directory (column family:testcf1) remains, is it satisfactory on 
> a file system? 
> ----------
> [2. Pre-processing]
> ( Cassandra-CLI was used. )
> First, a key space is created (create keyspace MyKeyspace;), 
> The key space was chosen (use MyKeyspace;). 
> And the column family created (create column family testcf1;). 
> ----------
> [3.Environment] 
> Cassandra 1.2.4
> OS: Windows 7
> Thank you for your consideration. 
> ----------
> Hiroshi Kise

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