On 05/07/2013 01:28 AM, aaron morton wrote:
I have also been changing types, e.g. lock_tokens__ from MAP<UUID,
The error looks like the schema was changed and a log replayed from
before the change. Which obviously is not something we would expect to
Do you change the map type using ALTER TABLE (not sure if that is
possible) or dropping / re-creating?
I think I tried ALTER TABLE but it doesn't work. In any case, I would
always drop the table and recreate it.
BTW, would a drain before running '/etc/init.d/cassandra stop' have
Probably not.
Drain is designed to stop processing writes, flush everything from
memory to disk and mark the commit log segments as no longer needed.
If you notice it again can you take note of the order of operations
around dropping, creating or modifying the schema and restarting ?
Sure, but I can tell you that it was many drops and creates, probably
over 10, followed by a restart. All the drop, create and shutdown
operations were done in serial.