I have created an issue in jira 

Best regards
  Shamim A.

06.05.2013, 22:26, "Shamim" <sre...@yandex.ru>:
> I think It will be better to open a issue in jira
> Best regards
>   Shamim A.
>>  Unfortunately I've just tried with a new cluster with RandomPartitioner and 
>> it doesn't work better : > > it may come from hadoop/pig modifications : > > 
>> 18:02:53|elia:hadoop cyril$ git diff --
> stat cassandra-1.1.5..cassandra-1.2.1 . > 
> .../apache/cassandra/hadoop/BulkOutputFormat.java | 27 +-- > 
> .../apache/cassandra/hadoop/BulkRecordWriter.java | 55 +++--- > 
> .../cassandra/hadoop/ColumnFamilyInputFormat.java | 102 ++++++---- > 
> .../cassandra/hadoop/ColumnFamilyOutputFormat.java | 31 ++-- > 
> .../cassandra/hadoop/ColumnFamilyRecordReader.java | 76 ++++---- > 
> .../cassandra/hadoop/ColumnFamilyRecordWriter.java | 24 +-- > 
> .../apache/cassandra/hadoop/ColumnFamilySplit.java | 32 ++-- > 
> .../org/apache/cassandra/hadoop/ConfigHelper.java | 73 ++++++-- > 
> .../cassandra/hadoop/pig/CassandraStorage.java | 214 +++++++++++++------- > 9 
> files changed, 380 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-) > > Can anyone help on 
> getting more mapper running ? Maybe we should open a bug report ? > > -- > 
> Cyril SCETBON > > On May 5, 2013, at 8:45 AM, Shamim  wrote: > >> Hello, >> 
> We have also came across this issue in our dev environment, when we upgrade 
> Cassandra from 1.1.5 to 1.2.1 version. I have mentioned this issue in few 
> times in this forum but haven't got any answer yet. For quick work around you 
> can use pig.splitCombination false in your pig script to avoid this issue, 
> but it will make one of your task with a very big amount of data. I can't 
> figure out why this happening in newer version of Cassandra, strongly guess 
> some thing goes wrong in Cassandra implementation of LoadFunc or in 
> Murmur3Partition (it's my guess). >> Here is my earliar post >> 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/user@cassandra.apache.org/msg28016.html >> 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/user@cassandra.apache.org/msg29425.html >> >> Any 
> comment from authors will be highly appreciated >> P.S. please keep me in 
> touch with any solution or hints. >> >> -- >> Best regards >> Shamim A. >> >> 
> 03.05.2013, 19:25, "cscetbon....@orange.com" : >> >>> Hi, >>> I'm using Pig 
> to calculate the sum of a columns from a columnfamily (scan of all rows) and 
> I've read that input data locality is supported at 
> http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/HadoopSupport >>> However when I execute my 
> Pig script Hadoop assigns only one mapper to the task and not one mapper on 
> each node (replication factor = 1). FYI, I've 8 mappers available (2 per 
> node). >>> Is there anything that can disable the data locality feature ? >>> 
> >>> Thanks >>> -- >>> Cyril SCETBON >>> >>> 
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>   Shamim A.

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