What version of Cassandra are you using. If you're using 1.2.0 (or *were*
using 1.2.0 when the 2 nodes were removed), you might be seeing

> Or I have to delete the row in the table

That should work.

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Shahryar Sedghi <shsed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I had a 4 node cluster in my dev environment and due to resource
> limitation, I had to remove two nodes. Nodetool status shows only two nodes
> on both machines , but peers table on one machine still shows entries of
> the nodes with a null  rpc address. Thrift has no problem with it but new
> Binary protocol client is slow connecting to that node because of the
> entries.
> Nodetool remove does recognize those removed nodes.It there a way through
> the commands to remove those entries, Or I have to delete the row in the
> table.
> Thanks  in advance
> Shahryar

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