I had cobbled together a solution using Liquibase and the Cassandra JDBC
driver. I started implemented it before the CQL driver was announced. The
solution involved a patch and some Liquibase extensions which live at
https://github.com/jsanda/cassandra-liquibase-ext. The patch will go into
the 3.0 release of Liquibase. I developed the extensions against the 2.x
code base. Changes were introduced for Liquibase 3.0 that broken the
extensions I developed. At that point I decided to pursue a simpler
solution (though I think Liquibase is a great tool for relational
databases). Please update the list with any efforts as I am definitely

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:19 AM, Brian O'Neill <b...@alumni.brown.edu>wrote:

> I haven't seen any, which has one of our developers (CC'd) looking at
> extending myBatis migrations and/or Flyway with CQL to do it.
> -brian
> ---
> Brian O'Neill
> Lead Architect, Software Development
> Health Market Science
> The Science of Better Results
> 2700 Horizon Drive € King of Prussia, PA € 19406
> M: 215.588.6024 € @boneill42 <http://www.twitter.com/boneill42>  €
> healthmarketscience.com
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> On 4/25/13 7:35 AM, "Marko Asplund" <marko.aspl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >hi,
> >
> >Do database change management tools similar to Liquibase and dbdeploy
> >exist for Cassandra?
> >I need to handle change management for CQL3 schema.
> >
> >
> >thanks,
> >
> >marko


- John

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