On 2013-04-25 11:48, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:
Hi, I tried to delete some columns using cql2 as well as thrift on
C*1.2.2 and instead of being unreachable, deleted columns have a null value.

I am using no value in this CF, the only information I use is the
existence of the column. So when I select all the column for a given key
I have the following returned:

  1228#16857 | 1228#16866 | 1228#16875 | 1237#16544 | 1237#16553
              null |              null |             null |

This is quite annoying since my app thinks that I have 5 columns there
when I should have 2 only.

I first thought that this was a visible marker of tombstones but they
didn't vanish after a major compaction.

How can I get rid of these null/ghost columns and why does it happen ?

I do something similar but I don't see null values. Could you please post the code where you delete the columns?


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