>  EDIT: works after switching to testing against the lastest version of the 
> cassandra database (doh!), and also updating the syntax per notes below:

Is this still a problem?

Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Consultant
New Zealand


On 23/04/2013, at 12:15 AM, John R. Frank <j...@mit.edu> wrote:

> Cassandra Experts,
> I understand that when using Cassandra's recommended RandomPartitioner (or 
> Murmur3Partitioner), it is not possible to do meaningful range queries on 
> keys, because the rows are distributed around the cluster using the md5 hash 
> of the key.  These hashes are called "tokens."
> Nonetheless, it would be very useful to split up a large table amongst many 
> compute workers by assigning each a range of tokens.  Using CQL3, it appears 
> possible to issue queries directly against the tokens, however the following 
> python does not work:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16137944/loading-all-rows-from-cassandra-using-multiple-python-clients-in-parallel
> I would ideally like to make this work with pycassa, because I prefer its 
> more pythonic interface.
> Am I just not invoking CQL3 correctly through the cql package?
> Is there a better way to do this?
> Thanks for any pointers!
> John

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