Hello, Using Cassandra 1.0.7 sstable2json on some tables I get readable column names. This leads to problems (java.lang.NumberFormatException: Non-hex characters in) when importing later.
We're trying to move data over to another cluster but this prevents us from doing so. Could it have to do with using a custom Serializer<T>? Here example output: D:\Java\apache-cassandra-1.0.7\bin>sstable2json d:\var\lib\cassandra\data2\depsi\ACCOUNT_RECEIVERS-hc-1-Data.db { "23696423656139323162633138666635343135616161336136373337666639623038633 9": [["dep.1205050","",1364383456519006]], "23696423396338306562366366383365346162383863623266663830663863643930343 2": [["dep.1057162","",1364383456664000]], [GOES ON here] The value "dep.1205050" is literally what we put in there. It's not hex encoded. Kind regards, Hans Melgers