On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 4:18 AM, Goktug YILDIRIM
<goktug.yildi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am sorry if this a very well know topic and I missed that. I wonder why one 
> must use CFS. What is unavailable in Cassandra without CFS?

The SOLR stuff (also only-in-DSE) uses CFS for Hadoop-like storage.
This is so you can use full SOLR support with DSE Cassandra without
needing Hadoop.

The Cassandra File System (CFS) is an HDFS compatible filesystem built
to replace the traditional Hadoop NameNode, Secondary NameNode and
DataNode daemons. It is the foundation of our Hadoop support in
DataStax Enterprise.

The main design goals for the Cassandra File System were to first,
simplify the operational overhead of Hadoop by removing the single
points of failure in the Hadoop NameNode. Second, to offer easy Hadoop
integration for Cassandra users (one distributed system is enough)


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