
We've recently upgraded from m1.large to m1.xlarge instances on AWS to handle 
additional load, but to also relieve memory pressure.  It appears to have 
accomplished both, however, we are still getting a warning, 0-3 times a day, on 
our database nodes:

WARN [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-04-19 14:17:46,532 GCInspector.java (line 145) 
Heap is 0.7529240824406468 full.  You may need to reduce memtable and/or cache 
sizes.  Cassandra will now flush up to the two largest memtables to free up 
memory.  Adjust flush_largest_memtables_at threshold in cassandra.yaml if you 
don't want Cassandra to do this automatically

This is happening much less frequently than before the upgrade, but after 
essentially doubling the amount of available memory, I'm curious on what I can 
do to determine what is happening during this time.  

I am collecting all the JMX statistics.  Memtable space is elevated but not 
extraordinarily high.  No GC messages are being output to the log.   

These warnings do seem to be occurring doing compactions of column families 
using LCS with wide rows, but I'm not sure there is a direct correlation.    

We are running Cassandra 1.1.9, with a maximum heap of 8G.  

Any advice?

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