Hi Aaron,

Thank you for your feedback. I have also installed DataStax OPS center and its nothing shows progress of repair. Previously every repair progress also shown on OPS center and once it 100%, reapir also completed on nodes. but now reapir is in progress on node but OPS center nothing shows. Secondly please find netstats and compactionstats results as under;

# /opt/apache-cassandra-1.1.4/bin/nodetool -h localhost netstats
Not sending any streams.
Not receiving any streams.
Pool Name                    Active   Pending      Completed
Commands                        n/a         0        5327870
Responses                       n/a         0      163271943

# /opt/apache-cassandra-1.1.4/bin/nodetool -h localhost compactionstats
pending tasks: 0
Active compaction remaining time :        n/a


Adeel Akbar

Quoting aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com>:

The errors from Hints are not concerned with repair. Increasing the rpc_timeout may help with those. If it's logging about 0 hints you may be seeing this https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-5068

How did repair hang ? Check for progress with nodetool compactionstats and nodetool netstats.


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Consultant
New Zealand


On 13/04/2013, at 3:01 AM, Alexis Rodríguez <arodrig...@inconcertcc.com> wrote:


It may be a problem in the remote node, could you check the system.log?

Also you might want to check the rpc_timeout_in_ms in both nodes, maybe an increase in this parameter helps.

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 9:17 AM, <adeel.ak...@panasiangroup.com> wrote:

I have started repair on newly added node with -pr and this nodes exist on another data center. I have 5MB internet connection and configured setstreamthroughput 1. After some time repair goes hang and following meesage found in logs;

# /opt/apache-cassandra-1.1.4/bin/nodetool -h localhost ring
Address DC Rack Status State Load Effective-Ownership Token 169417178424467235000914166253263322299 DC1 RAC1 Up Normal 93.26 GB 66.67% 0 DC1 RAC1 Up Normal 89.1 GB 66.67% 56713727820156410577229101238628035242 DC1 RAC1 Up Normal 72.87 GB 66.67% 113427455640312821154458202477256070484 DC2 RAC1 Up Normal 48.59 GB 100.00% 169417178424467235000914166253263322299

INFO [HintedHandoff:1] 2013-04-12 17:05:49,411 HintedHandOffManager.java (line 372) Timed out replaying hints to /; aborting further deliveries INFO [HintedHandoff:1] 2013-04-12 17:05:49,411 HintedHandOffManager.java (line 390) Finished hinted handoff of 0 rows to endpoint /

Why we getting this message and how I prevent repair from this error.


Adeel Akbar

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