You are correct. In CQL the timestamps come from the server unless
specified. In thrift the user must supply, otherwise it is always 0.

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Michael Theroux <>wrote:

> Hello,
> We are having an odd sporadic issue that I believe maybe due to time
> synchronization.  Without going into details on the issue right now, quick
> question, from the documentation I see numerous references that Cassandra
> utilizes timestamps generated by the clients to determine write
> serialization.  However, going through the code, it appears that for CQL
> over thrift, it will only use client generated timestamps if "USING
> TIMESTAMP" is utilized in the cql statement, otherwise it will use a
> server-generated timestamp.
> I was looking through 1.1.2 code.
> Am I reading this correctly?
> -Mike

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