I'm running 1.2.3 and have both CQL3 tabels and old school style CFs in my

I'd had a large insert job running the last several days which just
ended.... it had been inserting using cql3 insert statements in a cql3

Now, I show no compactions going on in my cluster but for some reason any
cql3 query I try to execute, insert, select, through cqlsh or through
external library, all time out with an rpc_timeout.

If I use cassandra-cli, I can do "list tablename limit 10" and immediately
get my 10 rows back.

However, if I do "select * from tablename limit 10" I get the rpc timeout
error.  Same table, same server.  It doesn't seem to matter if I'm hitting
a cql3 definited table or older style.

Load on the nodes is relatively low at the moment.

Any suggestions short of restarting nodes?  This is a pretty major issue
for us right now.

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