        Do you have some steps to reproduce the problem ? If so please create a 
ticket on jira. 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Consultant
New Zealand


On 16/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, Janne Jalkanen <> wrote:

> This could be either of the following bugs (which might be the same thing).  
> I get it too every time I recycle a node on 1.1.10.
> or
> /Janne
> On Mar 15, 2013, at 23:24 , Brett Tinling <> wrote:
>> We have a CF with an indexed column 'type', but we get incomplete results 
>> when we query that CF for all rows matching 'type'.  We can find the missing 
>> rows if we query by key.
>> * we are seeing this on a small, single node, 1.2.2 instance with few rows.
>> * we use thrift execute_cql_query, no CL is specified
>> * none of repair, restart, compact, scrub helped
>> Finally, nodetool rebuild_index fixed it.  
>> Is index rebuild something we need to do periodically?  How often?  Is there 
>> a way to know when it needs to be done?  Do we have to run rebuild on all 
>> nodes?
>> We have not noticed this until 1.2
>> Regards,
>>  - Brett

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