We are looking to use Cassandra for our persistent store. However, we have
requirements to support multiple platforms including Windows Server, Linux,
HP-UX, AIX and Solaris. I have searched the web and literally find nothing
about Cassandra running on some of these platforms. I don't even find posts
asking this question. What are the supported platforms for Cassandra? I see
DataStax provides distros for Windows, Mac and Linux. On other platforms
(namely HP-UX), we have run into issues with some of the native calls used by
Cassandra. We have been able to successfully recompile the native Snappy
libraries on HP-UX (about to try other platforms), however it looks like there
are multiple sun.misc.Unsafe calls made by Cassandra when doing other
operations (ie: comparing arrays). Has anyone been successful in getting
Cassandra up and running on any or all of these platforms? Thank you for any