On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 7:05 AM, Janne Jalkanen
<janne.jalka...@ecyrd.com> wrote:
> I keep seeing these in my log.  Three-node cluster, one node is working fine, 
> but two other nodes have increased latencies and these in the error logs 
> (might of course be unrelated). No obvious GC pressure, no disk errors that I 
> can see.  Ubuntu 12.04 on EC2, Java 7. Repair is run regularly.
> My two questions: 1) should I worry, and 2) what might be going on, and 3) is 
> there any way to get rid of these? Can I just blow my HintedHandoff table to 
> smithereens?

public static Filter defreezeBloomFilter(FileDataInput file, long
maxSize, boolean useOldBuffer) throws IOException
        int size = file.readInt();
        if (size > maxSize || size <= 0)
            throw new EOFException("bloom filter claims to be " + size
+ " bytes, longer than entire row size " + maxSize);
        ByteBuffer bytes = file.readBytes(size);

Based on the above, I would suspect either a zero byte -Filter.db file
or a corrupt one. Probably worry a little bit, but only a little bit
unless your cluster is RF=1.


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