Hi, I'd like to resurrect this thread from April 2012 - http://cassandra-user-incubator-apache-org.3065146.n2.nabble.com/migrating-from-SimpleStrategy-to-NetworkTopologyStrategy-td7481090.html - "migrating from SimpleStrategy to NetworkTopologyStrategy"
We're in a similar situation, and I'd like to understand this more thoroughly. In preparation for adding another datacenter to our cassandra cluster, I'd like to migrate from EC2Snitch + SimpleStrategy to GosspingPropertyFileSnitch + NetworkTopologyStrategy. Here are the steps I'm planning: Change the Snitch 1. set endpoint_snitch: GosspingPropertyFileSnitch in cassandra.yaml 2. configure cassandra-rackdc.properties to use a single rack and datacenter,: rack=RAC1, dc=dc1 3. do a rolling restart of all nodes Change replication strategy 4. for all keyspaces (except system*), alter keyspace ... with replication = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 3} 5. run "nodetool repair -pr" on all nodes Does this look right? Also, I'm curious whether/why step 5 is necessary, given the single rack configuration. Versions: cassandra 1.2.2 dsc12 1.2.2-1 Ubuntu 12.04, x86_64 Datastax AMI Thanks! Dane