Row key based on hour will create hot spots for write - for an entire hour, all 
the writes will be going to the same node, i.e., the node where the row 
resides. You need to come up with a row key that distributes writes evenly 
across all your C* nodes, e.g., time concatenated with a sequence counter.

From: Mohan L []
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 2:10 PM
Subject: data model to store large volume syslog

Dear All,

I am looking Cassandra to store time series data(mostly syslog). The volume of 
data is very huge and more entries happening at the same timestamps. each 
record contain the following fields.


The below are the things needs to be monitored:

1). Need to get data between time X and Y
2). Need to get data between time X and Y for a host-name.
3). Need to search a 'pattern' in the message

the data model design which I am thinking is

1). create a column family 'cfrawlog' which stores raw log as received. row key 
could be 'yyyyddmmhh'(new row is added for each hour or less), each 'column 
name' is uuid with 'value' is raw log data. Since we are also going to use this 
log for forensics purpose, so it will help us to have all raw log with in the 
column family without missing.

2). I want to create one more column family which is going to have the parsed 
log so that we will use this column family to query. my question is How to 
model this CF so that it will give answer of the above question? what would be 
the row key for this CF?

3). Is the above data model makes sense?

Any help and suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Mohan L


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