Explain please, how this work when I request for key which is not in
* The closest node (as determined by proximity sorting as described
above) will be sent a command to perform an actual data read (i.e.,
return data to the co-ordinating node).
* As required by consistency level, additional nodes may be sent
digest commands, asking them to perform the read locally but send
back the digest only.
For example, at replication factor 3 a read at consistency level
QUORUM would require one digest read in additional to the data
read sent to the closest node. (SeeReadCallback
<http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/ReadCallback>, instantiated
byStorageProxy <http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/StorageProxy>)
I have multi-DC with NetworkTopologyStrategy and RF:1 per datacenter,
and reads are at consitency level ONE. If local node responsible for key
replied that it have no data for this key - will coordinator send digest