No, this is a really really bad idea and C* was not designed for this, in fact, it was designed so you don't need to have a large expensive SAN.
Don't be tempted by the shiny expensive SAN. :) If money is no object instead throw SSD's in your nodes and run 10G between racks From: Kanwar Sangha <<>> Reply-To: "<>" <<>> Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013 2:56 PM To: "<>" <<>> Subject: Cassandra with SAN Hi – Is it a good idea to use Cassandra with SAN ? Say a SAN which provides me 8 Petabytes of storage. Would I not be I/O bound irrespective of the no of Cassandra machines and scaling by adding machines won’t help ? Thanks Kanwar Copy, by Barracuda, helps you store, protect, and share all your amazing things. Start today: