> To avoid disk I/Os, the best option we thought is to have data in memory. 
> Is it a good idea to have memtable setup around 1/2 or 3/4 of 
> heap size? Obviously flushing will take a lot of time but would 
> that hurt that node's performance big time?

Start with the defaults and test your workload. If memtables start flushing 
aggressively (because of write load or bad settings), that can cause compaction 
work on the disk, that might impair read I/O. 

>  Is there a way to figure out max read-latency for a bunch of read operations?

Use nodetool's histogram feature to get a sense of outlier latency.

> We just need one column family with a long key

Take time to tune your key caches and bloom filters. They use memory and have 
an impact on read performance.

> Given that cassandra provides off-heap row caching, in a 
> machine >32 gb RAM, would it be wise to have a >10 gb row 
> cache with 8 gb java heap? 

If you use the off heap cache, allow enough room for the filesystems' own 
cache, i.e. don't give over all of ram to the off heap cache. Also the off heap 
cache can slow you down with wide rows due to serialisation overhead, or cache 
invalidation thrashing if you are update heavy. if you use the on-heap cache, 
pay close attention to GC cycles and memory stability - if you are 
cycling/evicting through the cache at a high rate that can leave too much 
garbage in memory such that the garbage collector can't keep up. If the node 
doesn't have enough working memory after GC, it will _resize_ key and row 
caches. This will lead to degraded read performance and with some workloads can 
result in a vicious cycle.

>  For our SLAs, a read of max 15-20 rows at once(using multi slice), 
> should not take more than 4 ms.

If you control your own hardware (and you probably should/must for this kind of 
latency demand) consider SSDs. You might want to carefully control background 
repair/compaction operations if predictable performance is your goal. You might 
want to avoid storing strings and use byte representations. If you have an 
application tier on the path consider caching in that tier as well to avoid the 
overhead of network calls and thrift processing.

In a nutshell -

- Start with defaults and tune based on small discrete adjustments and leave 
time to see the effect of each change. No-one will know your workload better 
than you and the questions you are asking are workload sensitive.

- Allow time for tuning and spending time understanding the memory model and 

- Be very careful with caches. Leave enough room in the OS for its own disk 

- Get an SSD


On 21 Feb 2013, at 19:03, amulya rattan <talk2amu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> We are currently evaluating Cassandra for an application involving strict 
> SLAs(Service level agreements). We just need one column family with a long 
> key and approximately 70-80 bytes row. We are not concerned about write 
> performance but are primarily concerned about read. For our SLAs, a read of 
> max 15-20 rows at once(using multi slice), should not take more than 4 ms. 
> Till now, on a single node setup, using cassandra' stress tool, the numbers 
> are promising. But I am guessing that's because there is no network latency 
> involved there and since we set memtable around 2gb(4 gb heap), we never had 
> to get to Disk I/O.
> Assuming our nodes having >32GB RAM, a couple of questions regarding read:
> * To avoid disk I/Os, the best option we thought is to have data in memory. 
> Is it a good idea to have memtable setup around 1/2 or 3/4 of heap size? 
> Obviously flushing will take a lot of time but would that hurt that node's 
> performance big time?
> * Cassandra stress tool only gives out average read latency. Is there a way 
> to figure out max read-latency for a bunch of read operations?
> * How big a row cache can one have? Given that cassandra provides off-heap 
> row caching, in a machine >32 gb RAM, would it be wise to have a >10 gb row 
> cache with 8 gb java heap? And how big should the corresponding key cache be 
> then?
> Any response is appreciated.
> ~Amulya 

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