We have not quite gotten to it yet and has been driven by paying customers
at this time and there is one customer who wants it but they themselves
keep pushing it out for other things they want.


On 2/15/13 4:16 PM, "Drew Kutcharian" <d...@venarc.com> wrote:

>Hey Dean, do you guys have any thoughts on how to implement it yet?
>On Feb 15, 2013, at 6:18 AM, "Hiller, Dean" <dean.hil...@nrel.gov> wrote:
>> Yes, this is in PlayOrm's roadmap as well but not there yet.
>> Dean
>> On 2/13/13 6:42 PM, "Drew Kutcharian" <d...@venarc.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Guys,
>>> Has anyone on this mailing list tried to build a bounding box style
>>> the records inside a known bounding box) geospatial search? I've been
>>> researching this a bit and seems like the only attempt at this was by
>>> SimpleGeo guys, but there isn't much public info out there on how they
>>> did it besides the a video.
>>> -- Drew

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