No one had ever tried vnodes with hadoop until the OP did, or they
would have noticed this. No one extensively used it with secondary
indexes either from the last ticket I mentioned.

My mistake they are not a default.

I do think vnodes are awesome, its great that c* has the longer
release cylcle. Just saying I do not know what .0 and .1 releases are.
They just seem like extended beta-s to me.


On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 11:10 PM, Eric Evans <> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Edward Capriolo <> 
> wrote:
>> Seems like the hadoop Input format should combine the splits that are
>> on the same node into the same map task, like Hadoop's
>> CombinedInputFormat can. I am not sure who recommends vnodes as the
>> default, because this is now the second problem (that I know of) of
>> this class where vnodes has extra overhead,
>> This seems to be the standard operating practice in c* now, enable
>> things in the default configuration like new partitioners and newer
>> features like vnodes, even though they are not heavily tested in the
>> wild or well understood, then deal with fallout.
> Except that it is not in fact enabled by default; The default remains
> 1-token-per-node.
> That said, the only way that a feature like this will ever be heavily
> tested in the wild, and well understood, is if it is actually put to
> use.  Speaking only for myself, I am grateful to users like Cem who
> test new features and report the issues they find.
>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 11:52 AM, cem <> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have just started to use virtual nodes. I set the number of nodes to 256
>>> as recommended.
>>> The problem that I have is when I run a mapreduce job it creates node * 256
>>> mappers. It creates node * 256 splits. this effects the performance since
>>> the range queries have a lot of overhead.
>>> Any suggestion to improve the performance? It seems like I need to lower the
>>> number of virtual nodes.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Cem
> --
> Eric Evans
> Acunu | | @acunu

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