You always want to run upgrade stables, ASAP. Sooner or later as the tables compact they will upgrade. I hit a bug once with large bloom filters where, after an upgrade, reading old bloom filters caused 0 rows returned when there was data.
Once bitten twice shy. Upgrade one node disable gossip, disable thrift, bring up iptables if you are really paranoid. Run repair/scrub. Wait till done deactivated. On Tuesday, February 12, 2013, aaron morton <> wrote: > Can anyone know the impact of not running upgrade sstables? Or possible not running it for several days? > > nodetool repair will not work. > Cheers > ----------------- > Aaron Morton > Freelance Cassandra Developer > New Zealand > @aaronmorton > > On 12/02/2013, at 11:54 AM, Mike <> wrote: > > So the upgrade sstables is recommended as part of the upgrade to 1.1.3 if you are using counter columns > > Also, there was a general recommendation (in another response to my question) to run upgrade sstables because of: > > "upgradesstables always needs to be done between majors. While 1.1.2 -> 1.1.8 is not a major, due to an unforeseen bug in the conversion to microseconds you'll need to run upgradesstables." > > Is this referring to: > > Can anyone know the impact of not running upgrade sstables? Or possible not running it for several days? > > Thanks, > -Mike > > On 2/10/2013 3:27 PM, aaron morton wrote: > > I would do #1. > You can play with nodetool setcompactionthroughput to speed things up, but beware nothing comes for free. > Cheers > ----------------- > Aaron Morton > Freelance Cassandra Developer > New Zealand > @aaronmorton > > On 10/02/2013, at 6:40 AM, Mike <> wrote: > > Thank you, > > Another question on this topic. > > Upgrading from 1.1.2->1.1.9 requires running upgradesstables, which will take many hours on our dataset (about 12). For this upgrade, is it recommended that I: > > 1) Upgrade all the DB nodes to 1.1.9 first, then go around the ring and run a staggered upgrade of the sstables over a number of days. > 2) Upgrade one node at a time, running the clustered in a mixed 1.1.2->1.1.9 configuration for a number of days. > > I would prefer #1, as with #2, streaming will not work until all the nodes are upgraded. > > I appreciate your thoughts, > -Mike > > On 1/16/2013 11: