For anyone interested, I came across this video where Sylvain explains how 
counters are actually implemented in Cassandra.

On Feb 6, 2013, at 8:08 PM, aaron morton <> wrote:

>> Thanks Aaron, so will there only be one "value" for each counter column per 
>> sstable just like regular columns?
> Yes. 
>>  For some reason I was under the impression that Cassandra keeps a log of 
>> all the increments not the actual value.
> Not as far as I understand. 
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> On 6/02/2013, at 11:15 AM, Drew Kutcharian <> wrote:
>> Thanks Aaron, so will there only be one "value" for each counter column per 
>> sstable just like regular columns? For some reason I was under the 
>> impression that Cassandra keeps a log of all the increments not the actual 
>> value.
>> On Feb 5, 2013, at 12:36 PM, aaron morton <> wrote:
>>>> Are there any specific operational considerations one should make when 
>>>> using counter columns families?
>>> Performance, as they incur a read and a write. 
>>> There were some issues with overcounts in log replay (see the changes.txt). 
>>>>  How are counter column families stored on disk? 
>>> Same as regular CF's. 
>>>> How do they effect compaction?
>>> None.
>>> Cheers
>>> -----------------
>>> Aaron Morton
>>> Freelance Cassandra Developer
>>> New Zealand
>>> @aaronmorton
>>> On 6/02/2013, at 7:47 AM, Drew Kutcharian <> wrote:
>>>> Hey Guys,
>>>> Are there any specific operational considerations one should make when 
>>>> using counter columns families? How are counter column families stored on 
>>>> disk? How do they effect compaction?
>>>> -- Drew

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