You can query over composite columns as:
1) Partition key
2) First part of clustered key(using EQ ops).

Secondary indexes over non composite columns are not possible.

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 12:06 PM, Rishabh Agrawal <> wrote:

>  Hello
> I have key and columns defined in following fashion:
> HotelName1:RoomNum1
> HotelName2:RoomNum2
> HotelName3:RoomNum3
> Key1:TimeStamp:VersionNum
> Is there a way that I can query this schema by only ‘key’ or ‘HotelName’
> i.e. querying using a part of composite key and not the full key.
> Thanks and Regards
> Rishabh Agrawal
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