Don't use the variable length Cassandra integer, use the Int32Type. It also sounds like you want to use a DoubleType rather than FloatType. Cheers
----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer New Zealand @aaronmorton On 10/02/2013, at 4:15 PM, Dinusha Dilrukshi <> wrote: > Hi All, > > Data was originally stored in column family called "test_cf". Definition of > column family is as follows: > > CREATE COLUMN FAMILY test_cf > WITH COMPARATOR = 'IntegerType' > AND key_validation_class = UTF8Type > AND default_validation_class = FloatType; > > And, following is the sample data set that contains in "test_cf". > > cqlsh:temp_ks> select * from test_cf; > key | column1 | value > ------------------+----------------+------- > localhost:8282 | 1350468600 | 76 > localhost:8282 | 1350468601 | 76 > > > Hive script (shown in the end of mail) is use to take the data from above > column family "test_cf" and insert into a new column family called > "cpu_avg_5min_new7". Column family description of "cpu_avg_5min_new7" is also > same as the test_cf. Issue is, data written in to "cpu_avg_5min_new7" column > family after executing the hive script is as follows. It's not in the format > of data present in the original column family "test_cf". Any explanations > would highly appreciate.. > > > cqlsh:temp_ks> select * from cpu_avg_5min_new7; > key | column1 | value > ------------------+------------------------------+---------- > localhost:8282 | 232340574229062170849328 | 1.09e-05 > localhost:8282 | 232340574229062170849329 | 1.09e-05 > > > Hive script: > ---------------- > drop table cpu_avg_5min_new7_hive; > CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cpu_avg_5min_new7_hive (src_id STRING, > start_time INT, cpu_avg FLOAT) STORED BY > 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.CassandraStorageHandler' WITH > SERDEPROPERTIES ( > "" = "" , "cassandra.port" = "9160" , > "" = "temp_ks" , > "cassandra.ks.username" = "xxx" , "cassandra.ks.password" = "xxx" , > "cassandra.columns.mapping" = ":key,:column,:value" , "" = > "cpu_avg_5min_new7" ); > > drop table xxx; > CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS xxx (src_id STRING, start_time INT, > cpu_avg FLOAT) STORED BY > 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.CassandraStorageHandler' WITH > SERDEPROPERTIES ( > "" = "" , "cassandra.port" = "9160" , > "" = "temp_ks" , > "cassandra.ks.username" = "xxx" , "cassandra.ks.password" = "xxx" , > "cassandra.columns.mapping" = ":key,:column,:value" , "" > = "test_cf" ); > > insert overwrite table cpu_avg_5min_new7_hive select > src_id,start_time,cpu_avg from xxx; > > Regards, > Dinusha. > >